Wednesday, February 22, 2012

You can do that even in influenza, the disease ...

Many people may be aware of the traditional pneumonia, which is a serious infection of the lungs. If someone receives regular pneumonia, they will need in the hospital to get healthy again. And yet, is a type of pneumonia that is so harmless, like flu. This is called walking pneumonia. What is pneumonia? Walking pneumonia relatively small pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumonia organism. Although bacteria cause infection in the lungs, the disease itself is so minute, that can cure her body without additional processing. That's why walking pneumonia has developed an interesting name because it can do things normally, despite what is happening inside your body. Of course, the treatment of pneumonia walking casually, of course, is not recommended because the disease still causes unpleasant symptoms and can be contagious. So, what are the symptoms of pneumonia walking? Many of the major signs of pneumonia walking to simulate what a person feels when they have colds or flu. These may include:

There are more troublesome (but manageable), signs of pneumonia walking, which may include:

So, while walking pneumonia does not require hospitalization, you still want to at least get bed rest as your body goes through these symptoms. You can do that even in influenza, a disease that has no shame pneumonia. If you go to the doctor for walking pneumonia, you probably give antibiotics to speed strattera no prescritpion up treatment. Antibiotics are often prescribed for walking pneumonia include:

taking advantage of them trying to get rid of a disease that you get better a week or less. In addition, it will not hurt under medical supervision in any case, as any disease has the potential to get out of control. As for the relief of symptoms, try to avoid too many more prescription drugs, at least not without a doctor's advice. They can be very useful in any case, since many of them designed to ease the problems associated with common cold or flu. Better take it easy and use common sense. If you have a fever, place a damp cloth on the forehead and other parts of the body that could hot. You can also take a bath. To relieve cough, prop his head on the pillow, making your body rest on the slope. This will help some of the fluid that builds the lungs to drain, making you feel better. Finally, do not be afraid if you say you are walking pneumonia. In fact, glad that you do not have the correct form of the disease, because most likely you should be in hospital to recover from this. However, do not take for granted the disease too. You could regularly pneumonia, but your body is still in a state of suffering, even if it is not serious. .

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